YenChuan: Bubbe Tea from Taiwan to the World

  • Title: YenChuan
  • Description: YenChuan is a Taiwan-based manufacturer, supplier and wholesaler of raw materials for bubble tea (or boba tea).
  • Designer: Josh
  • Director: Erik
  • URL:
  • Tech Stacks: Webflow CMS, Webflow Member, Zaper, Recaptcha, HubSpot, MailChimp
  • Tools: Photoshop, AfterEffect, Figma, Kaiber, RunWay, ChatGPT

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Background and Challenges

YenChuan wanted to revamp their website to give a fresh visual representation to their brand. They wanted more emphasis on design and functionality for their product offerings. Being a B2B supplier, they lacked a direct communication channel with their customers and aimed to establish a connection with their global clientele through a digitalized website.

We designed and developed an integrated B2B website combining Webflow and WordPress, focusing on modern aesthetics, interactive elements, and clear information dissemination. Understanding the significance of intuitive navigation and easy accessibility, we incorporated robust UX/UI principles into our design. A user-friendly interface was essential to ensure that YenChuan’s global clientele could quickly locate products and understand the brand’s value proposition.

Process and Results

Using Webflow, we crafted an impressive homepage that is not only user-friendly but also boasts captivating animation effects. Through storytelling content, it vividly conveys the founder’s passion and the aspiration to share Taiwan’s unique Bubble Tea (Boda) culture with the world. With the integration of WordPress for product management, we achieved efficient product categorization and management. Users can now effortlessly explore and add products to their carts, offering a convenient shopping experience.

A highlight feature of the website is the AI video created using “Kaiber”, which not only strengthens the brand’s digital presence but also underscores Sean’s mission and vision to promote “Taiwan’s finest Bubble Tea to the world”. This AI video enriches the website’s multimedia content and provides an opportunity for deeper interaction with users.

The site boasts a flawless responsive web design (RWD), and the comprehensive B2B platform offers abundant information, making it easier for partners and users to connect. Whether it’s for inquiries, product orders, or initiating collaborations, this streamlined interaction saves time, boosts efficiency, and offers a more convenient channel for B2B operations.